New Student Enrollment » New Student Enrollment: Kindergarten

New Student Enrollment: Kindergarten

Bethel Park School District Kindergarten Registration Information

Welcome to families looking to enroll their children into Kindergarten at Bethel Park!  This Kindergarten Registration page is a valuable resource for families who are new to the district as well as families who may already have children enrolled in our schools. 

If you are looking to enroll a student in grades 1-12, that is a slightly different process, so please click here.  If you are registering a child for the 2024-2025 school year as in incoming Kindergarten student, please follow the steps below. 

The following information will help you begin the online registration process and save time on your enrollment. After completing the online registration process, in place of scheduling an onsite appointment, someone from your child's new school will reach out to you.

Age Eligibility: In Pennsylvania, incoming Kindergarten students are generally five years old by Sept. 1 of their registration year. Please see Bethel Park School Board Policy 201 for more information.

Registration Timeline and Instructions

Registration for Kindergarten 
  • Unsure which school your child will attend? Bethel Park School District has five elementary schools, each serving various community areas. Click below for a complete listing of municipality streets and their corresponding elementary schools.
Benjamin Franklin Elementary
5400 Florida Avenue
Bethel Park, PA 15102
(412) 854-8741
[Welcome Video]
Abraham Lincoln Elementary
1524 Hamilton Road
Bethel Park, PA 15234
(412) 854-8618
[Welcome Video]
Memorial Elementary
3301 South Park Road
Bethel Park, PA 15102
(412) 854-8506
[Welcome Video]
William Penn Elementary
110 Woodlet Lane
Bethel Park, PA 15102
(412) 854-8522
[Welcome Video]
George Washington Elementary
515 Clifton Road
Bethel Park, PA 15102
(412) 854-8546
You are ready to register after completing the kindergarten student information google form. The following documents need to be completed, submitted, and uploaded to our PowerSchool registration site in
order to register your child for kindergarten at Bethel Park:

1) Proof of Child’s Age - birth certificate, baptismal certificate, etc
2) Proof of Residency - One each from Category A AND Category B is required:
  • A. A deed, current mortgage statement, or a current lease
  • B. Current utility bill, current credit card bill, property tax bill, vehicle registration, driver’s license, or DOT identification card
3) Immunizations – you maybe able to download these from your patient portal
5) Dental Form* – to be completed and signed by dentist 
6) Physical Exam* – to be completed and signed by physician
7) Earned Income Tax Form  (Only For Families Without a Current BP Student)
* If your student's physical and/or dental visit is scheduled at a later time, please upload the remaining documentation and submit for registration.  Once the physical and dental forms are completed, please submit them to the PowerSchool Registration site directly, email them to the school nurse, or send a copy to the school office.

Click here for a printable checklist of the items you will need to enroll your kindergartener into Bethel Park Schools!
Now that you know what documents are needed, you can begin the Powerschool online registration. Please note that there are slightly different enrollment processes for new district families and families with children in our schools. 
For families who do not have any other children currently enrolled in Bethel Park Schools:
  1. Click here to enroll your student in our schools. After August 1, please create your HAC  (Home Access Center) account. This will allow you access to your student’s grades, attendance, etc. 
  2. This will take you to the PowerSchool site, where you must create an account.
  3. Once the account is created and you are logged in, choose New Student Registration for the upcoming school year (2024-2025)
  4. Fill out the requested information and upload all documents before clicking submit
  5. Congratulations! Your kindergartener is enrolled in Bethel Park Schools!
For families who currently have children enrolled in Bethel Park Schools:
  1. Log into your eSchoolPlus HAC account with your parent account
  2. Click on Registration at the center-right of the screen
  3. Click on the Update Enrollment Tab on the left side of the screen
  4. You will see In Progress/Submitted Forms, and under that, there will be a line “Returning Student Registration” and a hyperlink “View” - Select View.
  5. This will automatically open up PowerSchool Enrollment, where you will select Dashboard on the far right.
  6. Under “New Form,” Choose New Student Registration for the upcoming school year (2024-2025)
  7. Scroll down to “Add Student” and fill in the first and last name and birth date of your incoming Kindergarten student, then click on “Add Student”
  8. Fill out the requested information and upload all documents before clicking submit.
  9. Congratulations! Your kindergartener is enrolled in Bethel Park Schools!
We look forward to meeting you on May 14!
Please consult the Family Kindergarten Registration Checklist for more information.
If you missed the screening on May 14, 2024, please reach out directly to your building for next steps.
Please be on the lookout for specific building information regarding orientation opportunities during the summer months.
If you would like to volunteer in your child's school or attend field trips, please work on getting your volunteer clearances now.