Public Comments
All individuals wishing to participate in an open Board meeting are requested to register their intent with the Board Secretary at least ONE DAY before the meeting. Requests to participate shall include the name of the participant, the topic to be addressed, and group affiliation, if applicable. Only in-person attendees will be permitted to comment during a public meeting of the Bethel Park Board of School Directors.
Please be reminded that public comments at the beginning of each meeting are reserved for agenda items only. Public comments about non-agenda as well as agenda items can be shared at the end of the meetings.
School Board Policy 006.3 limits each public comment to two minutes in duration, and we ask that the public bear this in mind. The District will reserve its right to limit public comments that exceed two minutes.
Please be reminded that public comments at the beginning of each meeting are reserved for agenda items only. Public comments about non-agenda as well as agenda items can be shared at the end of the meetings.
School Board Policy 006.3 limits each public comment to two minutes in duration, and we ask that the public bear this in mind. The District will reserve its right to limit public comments that exceed two minutes.