Student Assistance Program
Indicators such as declining grades, irregular attendance, interpersonal challenges, or chronic disciplinary issues may signal the need for SAP intervention. SAP teams, comprised of teachers, counselors, psychologists, principals, and a school nurse, meet regularly to develop personalized strategies to assist the student. All discussions remain confidential. Once a plan is developed, a team member meets with the student and their family to offer suggestions and solutions, aiming to promote academic and social success.
To get started, please complete the appropriate Google form for your child's school using the links on the right-hand side of this page.
About Our Partner
Bethel Park collaborates with Auberle for its Student Assistance Program. Based in McKeesport, PA, Auberle serves thousands of local families through a wide range of programs, including foster care, workforce development, housing, independent living and transitional-age youth programs, in-home intervention, substance abuse and mental health programs, education, and residential care and emergency shelter services.
Students and their families should complete the appropriate Google form to enroll in the school district's Student Assistance Program. Please note that you must be signed in to your BPHawks Google account to register.
The building liaison for the SAP program is Gabrielle Zollars.